About Us

Know more about us, our company and our culture.

What We're All About

Chameleonlabs, established in 2021 by a diverse group of professionals, initially focused on providing online training to freshers and individuals seeking career transitions. Driven by our passion for education, we aimed to demystify complex data science concepts and enhance accessibility for newcomers. As we’ve evolved, we’ve expanded our offerings to include consultancy services, leveraging our expertise to guide clients through various challenges and opportunities in their respective industries.

Learn Something Every Day

Age and time should never be a barrier to acquiring new knowledge. In this age of high-speed internet and powerful cloud computing platforms, everyone should have access to affordable learning experiences. Experiences that can be tailored to one’s own needs.

Our Vision

Who We Are

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

We believe in a system of superior quality education for all who are looking for one. An education method that is better delivered at your convenience. A curriculum custom-tailored for your needs.


We envision a future of superior study tutorials that make learning an experience that you always dreamed about. A hassle-free delivery method that interest you. A one-on-one interactive session to teach you the basics. A friendly group of tutors whom you always can go back to and rely upon. A study system that breaks down all the complex architecture into simple easy to learn modules suitable for any kind of learners.  A system of education that uses a comprehensive set of tools and methods to make learner life easy.

Learn From Industry Leaders

Learn from the industry's leading technology tutors, Engineers, and developers

Learn at Your Own Pace

Learn at your own pace with our custom tailored courses in data engineering and Front-end technologies

Live Projects

Our Live projects provides you with a real-life experience on industry standards, projects and procedures.